Natasha Kittridge

Alice Breed

Ellie Gaskell

Welcome to Foundation Stage 2!
Your teaching staff this year are Mrs Kittridge, Mrs Breed, and Miss Gaskell.
The teaching assistants helping us with our learning this year will be Mrs. Woods, Mrs Lad, Mrs Khunti, Miss Felstead and Mrs Patel.
We are looking forward to an exciting term with some wonderful novel studies and projects ahead!
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
During the Spring Term we will exploring our feelings and emotions further by learning to recognise when our friend may be feeling embarrased or scared and what we can do to help them. We will be learning to understand that a challenge is something that is hard to do and is something that we must try our best to achieve as well as learning how to overcome specific problems. We will also be discussing the importance of a good sleep routine and that a good sleep helps you to concentrate & and to be in a good mood for the day!
In our English lessons this term, we will be exploring the text ‘Otter Blotter Bird Spotter’ by Grahem Carter and will be linking this with a variety of non-fiction texts about birds. We will be using our phonics knowledge to write dictated and independent sentences to label and describe pictures and objects as well as ensuring that we are using capital letters in the correct places in our writing. We will be introducing children to the next phase of our phonics scheme and learning a range of new diagraphs such as ‘ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air and er.’ We cannot wait to see how much our writing will progress this term!
In Maths this term we are continuing to embed our number knowledge and will begin with knowing the number name zero and recognise when there is zero. We will be learning that numbers 6,7,8 can be represented in different ways and arrangements and how to partition these numbers into two parts. We will also learn how to combine two groups to find how many we have altogether and know that numbers are made up of smaller numbers by combining 2 groups. Towards the end of the term we will begin to recognise that some numbers are described as odd and even and that doubles means twice as many!
This term we will be exploring Dance in F2. Within this unit we will be exporing balance and learning how to manage our bodies to manipulate small objects. We will be learning how to stretch, reach and extend in a variety of ways and positions as well as learning how to control our bodies and perform specific movements on command.
As we progress through our phonics scheme we will be introducing children to reading books that they are able to bring home and share with you. Children will start the year learning their phase 2 graphemes and phonemes and developing their abilty to recognise these within words. We will learn to decode a word and blend the sounds together for reading. Once individual children have developed this skill they will move on to their first reading book! Please take the time to lisen to your child read on a daily basis to support their progress, and sign their reading record to acknowledge that you have done this.