Welcome to the Humberstone Infant Academy website, where learning is for life!

Humberstone Infant Academy is a vibrant and creative community where children begin their exciting journey as lifelong learners. Our beautiful and well resourced library and class book corners are central to our passion for reading and making sure our children leave us as committed and enthusiastic readers who read widely and for pleasure.
We believe that there are no limits to what can be achieved by our children and our curriculum is designed so our children leave us as confident and fluent readers, writers and early mathematicians. As an infant school our staff are skilled and committed professionals who care passionately about young children’s learning and development and are always willing to go the extra mile to support a child.
Humberstone Infant Academy is a place where great achievements and magical experiences happen daily!
Our learning environments are carefully planned and designed to provide a warm, caring and nurturing environment as well as supporting high expectations and excellence for all children’s learning. Language is threaded throughout the curriculum and the strong focus on the development of oracy skills for our youngest learners means children have opportunities throughout the day and everyday to talk. Developing our children’s speaking and listening, and language skills, gives them the strong foundations needed for learning across the curriculum as well as the ability to understand what they read both for pleasure and through the curriculum.

Staff choose stories and non-fiction carefully so that children see themselves and their lives reflected but also have the opportunity to learn about the lives of those whose experiences and perspectives differ from their own.
We aim to expose all our children to a range of learning experiences to develop their knowledge and sense of the world around them as well as build important knowledge in preparation for the next stage in their education.
Real experiences and exciting essential questions drive our project based learning curriculum, for example: visiting Twycross Zoo to support ‘How have humans contributed to animal endangerment? Visiting Humberstone Village and Leicester City Centre as part of their ‘What makes Leicester great?’
Our early years children have taken part in the RSPB BIg Garden Bird Watch and visited Watermead Park for their ‘One Day I’ll Fly Away’ project. A sense of awe, wonder and curiosity about the world are central to our school’s vision and to our curriculum ethos.
We are a community based school and are proud of all that we have to offer to our children and families. This includes a healthy choices breakfast club that is open to children in F2, year 1 and year 2 from 7:45am and an extensive program of afterschool clubs and enrichment activities offering everything from playdough club to multi-sports and everything in between. Whatever your child’s talent we will find it, nurture it and hopefully develop new talents and interests along the way.
Humberstone Infant Academy is very much a community school and we like nothing more than spending time getting to know our families better, through an exciting program of family days out on Saturdays, open lessons in school, exhibitions of children’s learning and evening workshops on how you can help your child learn. We warmly welcome you into the Humberstone family
We look forward to working with you
Miss Annemarie Williams
Executive Head Teacher

We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find the information you are looking for.
Please feel free to contact the school direct with any queries you may have.
The office telephone number is 0116 2767648
The office E-mail address is: office@humberstoneinfantacademy.co.uk