Michelle Martin

Welcome to F1!
This year the F1 team is Michelle Martin and Louise Radwan.
Communication and Language
Speaking, listening and understanding are central to all aspects of learning in the nursery. Our goal is for all children to confidently explore concepts, events and stories through talk. During the Spring term we will listen carefully to stories and talk about our favourite part. We will continue to learn Nursery Rhymes during our Rhyme Time lessons.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
The children have a good understanding of our classroom expectations. By the end of the Spring term, the children should be able to follow these rules and expectations independently. Through circle time and play, we will learn the name of various feelings such as happy, sad, worried and angry. We will begin to recognise how others may be feeling using visual clues.
The children will have opportunities to develop their gross motor skills by balancing, riding scooters, trikes, and balance bikes. They will learn to throw and catch a ball and bean bag. Daily, the children will have opportunities to use one handed tools and equipment, for example using scissors and working towards holding pens and pencils with a controlled grip. During the Spring term we will focus upon independently managing our coats, zips, shoes and wellies.
In literacy, the children will be learning the names of different parts of a book, such as the title, front cover and back cover, and we will also learn about the role of the author. We will read a variety of picture books and encourage the children to talk about the pictures. During the Spring term we will focus upon Traditional Tales, beginning with The Gingerbread Man. The children will have the opportunity to make and taste their own gingerbread man.
We will know how to make a variety of shapes and patterns when mark making – circles, spirals, wavy, zigzagged & straight lines.
During mathematics lessons and through free flow play activities, the children will be learning to recognise the numerals 3, 4 and 5. They will be given opportunities to develop their counting skills by using a variety of loose parts such as pine cones and shells. By the end of the Spring term, the children should be able to count 5 objects accurately.
Understanding the World
During the Spring term we will learn about two religious festivals; Eid which is celebrated by Muslims, and Easter which is celebrated by Christians. During January, we will also learn more about Lunar New Year. The children will develop positive attitudes about the difference between people. This will be achieved through role play, dressing up, music, cultural stories, cooking, and photographs of the children with their families displayed in the classroom.
Expressive Arts & Design
It is important that children have regular opportunities to engage with the arts, enabling them to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials. This term the children will explore a variety of materials freely, in order to understand how to use them and what they can create. They will have lots of opportunities to explore different textures such as soil, sand, play dough and cornflour.
Furthermore, we will take a close look at the work of Wassily Kandinsky, and create our own work inspired by the abstract artist.
Remember to follow your child’s learning journey on Tapestry. If you have trouble accessing your account, please speak to a member of staff who will be happy to help.